Saturday, May 17, 2008

What the HELL:Westboro Baptist Church in Hawaii???

What the HELL:Westboro Baptist Church??? That's just it! For those of you who don't know, Westboro Baptist Church is a "church" in Kansas, who believes that gays and lesbians are the root of all evil, and basically will send us all to hell. A few of their protest signs include sayings like, "God hates fags", "Thank God for dead soldiers", and "Thank God for AIDS."

On their web site,, they say that they will be coming to Hawai'i to protest. Their web site reads "Listen up, you native Hawaiians: your idolatry will not do, and God will not tolerate your foolishness." Also on Sunday, May 18, 2008 they will be visiting the Pearl Harbor, Arizona Memorial. Their web site reads, "Thank God for December 7, 1941! God sent the Japanese to execute a little bit of righteous Judgment upon you for your sins! We wish that 2,400,000 had died, but alas, this is what God had in store for you."
This group has also been known for protesting at our fallen soldiers funerals! If you ask me, I think this is one of the lowest, most evil, disrespectful thing anyone can do. What is their reasoning you ask? According to them, they are trying to save the families of the fallen soldiers from going to HELL, because their children fought for a country that accepts "fags".
As I did some research on this group, I found myself wanting to act out in rage against these people. I then came to my senses. What I would like to do, is call upon the outraged people of not only Hawai'i, but all of the true AMERICANS and ask that we let these people do as they wish for now, and not act out in violence. The more we acknowledge that they even exist, the more we will be enabling them by publicizing their beliefs. What we need to do is utilize OUR right to free speech, and educate others about the REAL truth, and take a stand against these people who call themselves Christian.
May the real GOD be with us all...

1 comment:

What's_Wrong_In_DC said...

Hopefully their plane goes down over the Pacific.

Better yet, let Pele deal with these freaks.
